To pursue a high level of organizational happiness, we aim to improve employee engagement and reduce employee turnover rate by increasing work productivity with an open organization which encourages many bottom-up ideas and by allowing employees to do high value-added jobs with enhanced expertise.
Also, we offer diverse work style options and develop an environment to allow employees to take advantage of their various attributes, skills, and values.
We set two KPIs: (1) optimization of labor resource allocation ratio and improvement of work productivity, and (2) reduction in employee turnover rate within the first five years.
We seek to earn higher fees for less working hours by improving work productivity and performing high value-added work.
In terms of improvement in employee engagement, we focus on aligning the direction and goals of organizational growth with those of personal growth of diverse employees while maintaining a balanced relationship between the organization and employees.
We define an employee-employer relationship as a “win-win relationship” and aim to reduce the employee turnover rate within the first five years. To achieve the two KPIs, we are taking the following approaches:
Employee Health Management
- Reduce overtime working hours by increasing work productivity and operational efficiency, etc. as part of work-style reforms
- Set a target for/monitor/improve a percentage of paid time off taken and strongly encourage to take paid time off
- The Occupational Health Committee monitors overtime working hours and make necessary recommendations
- Make recommendations on improvement in health literacy
- Provide support for club activities
- Provide special paid leave for COVID-19 vaccine side effects, install disinfectants, ensure adequate ventilation, etc.
Human Resource Development
- Actively recruit mid-career/professional personnel, rehire former employees, and accept people seeking a second job
- Promote recurrent education/re-learning and subsidize costs for external learning, self-study, qualification system, etc.
- Implement initiatives/provide counselling for medium- to long-term career planning and skill development
- Implement in-house training system
- Provide support for in-house entrepreneurship
Work-style Reforms/Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Offer diverse working style options to suite employees’ different lifestyles
e.g., outsourcing, part-time, shorter work hours, extension of childcare leave (up to 3 years old), subsidies for nursery school and babysitter fees, etc. - Promote active participation by women (proactive recruitment/career support/environmental improvement)
Result: 100% return rate from childcare leave (last 2 years) - Provide support for foreign employees to stay and opportunities to demonstrate their abilities
- Conduct management training to share management policies
- Improve work environment by introducing a flextime system, remote work, etc.
Formation of Corporate Culture
- Offer opportunities for frequent and open communication between management and employees
- Instill our corporate philosophy by holding regular all-hands meetings and receiving feedback
Social Contribution Activities
- Participate in volunteer activities
e.g., provide subsidy to the corporate volunteer program - Make donations for planting trees to conserve forests
- Raise funds at office for donations to green desert projects and orphanages